Sunday, August 26, 2018


just a litl extra today ~
i found this Sonnet just walking by.
Madison Square Park ~ Manhattan, NY

It says: 

No more to be grieved at
that which thous
hast done.: 
Roses have thorns, and
silver fountains mud; 
Clouds and eclipses stain
both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker
lives in sweetest bud. 

to hire Alison G ~ Face Painter:

Face Painting in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Long Island, and Manhattan NYC
All types of Events and Parties ~
Including Birthdays, Reunions, Corporate Events, Holidays, and more.....

Monday, August 13, 2018

Quality Supplies

 I respect that people are paying good money to make their experience Special ~
I don't scrimp on the Supplies that I bring to an Event.

Even when I have the 'usual' Colors, they are high quality.  And sometimes I try out something new.  This time, even I felt wowed by the Color of this Balloon.  I gotta get more of these!

to hire Alison Gelbman for Your Party Balloons:

Party Balloons Entertainment ~ Party Ideas ~ for Events in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and NYC

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Beautiful Lines

Picking up the pace from the more complicated Unicorn Balloons, I had an opportunity to scale back on this one.  I stopped at this point because the Lines of the design just came out sooooo Graceful

to hire Artist Alison Gelbman:

Party Planning ~ Event Planning ~ Party Ideas ~ Parties Nassau County ~ Parties Suffolk County ~ Parties NYC ~ Events in Nassau County, Events in Suffolk County ~ Events in New York City

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Minnie Mouse Theme Party

Little Children want to have Fun at the Party.  We have to set it up for them ~ We have to make it happen for them ~ So they can have the Childhood we would want them to have. 
Sometimes it's something as simple as Balloons.  It's so much Fun to watch them Enjoying their Balloons.  Here are some photos from the Minnie Mouse Theme Party:

to hire Balloon Twister Alison Gelbman for Your Party or Event in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York City, Manhattan.....

Friday, August 10, 2018

Getting Ready for Minnie Mouse Theme Party

It's a good thing I'm always learning new stuff.  It's a good thing I learned that Mickey Mouse Balloon recently.  Because I've already been hired to Twist Balloons at a Party that has a Mickey Mouse theme.

Sooo....  I practiced them at home:

to hire Balloon Twister Alison Gelbman for Your Party or Event
in Nassau County, Suffolk County, NYC, Long Island, Manhattan......

Mickey Mouse, Theme Party, Mickey Mouse Party, Minnie Mouse Party, Party Balloons, Balloon Twisting, Party Ideas, Party Entertainment, Young Children's Party

Thursday, August 9, 2018

KMart Grand Openings

These are from the 2nd Grand Opening
that I did for a New KMart (Sears).
Good Store ~ Good Products ~ just going Shopping felt Happy.
It felt good to be Facepainting there.

For Party Planning,

Face Painting for Parties and Events in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Long Island,
New York City, Manhattan


What I can do with Face Paints.  Fun.  Transformative.

I only use Professional Supplies that Wash Off Easily with Soap and Water. 

To make arrangements for Your Party Entertainment, in New York City or Long Island or Nassau County of Suffolk County Contact Alison G at:
