Monday, October 12, 2009

It's So Pink!

This woman was funny. She asked for a pink butterfly. This is what I painted.

You should have seen her surprise when she looked in the mirror and said....
"It's so

Face Painting NY

It was from an event that I did several weeks ago - Grandparents' Day at a Senior Center. So I don't remember All the details as I look through the Thousands of pictures that I end up with here. But here's a picture of a little girl who wanted to be painted as a Princess at the same event. I have no idea if the two people in this blog entry are related - but I just look at the faces, and I think that they just Have to be related. If there wasn't the big age-difference, I would even think they were Twins. You think so?

Face Painting NY

to hire this Artist:

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