Sunday, January 19, 2014

Balloon Twisting

Hi!  I'm reviewing some of my Most Requested selections, playing around with them a little before going to a Party.  They really are Fun!

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon4_zpsac0c6180.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon3_zps987bc7bf.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon2_zps69b7e603.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon6_zpsfbad0b95.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon5_zps5597f5de.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon8_zpsd3d9fb7c.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon13_zps05fb4aa2.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon11_zps5352fe40.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon12_zpsac2eb6fc.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon15_zps3052cb29.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon7_zps95ed7a48.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon9_zps9181489c.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon10_zpsc82ea059.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon1b_zpsc63d0445.jpg

Balloon Twisting NY photo 45020140118balloon1a_zps7e6dd624.jpg

Time just playing with my Balloons. It's a win-win-win situation.  I feel confident because I'm  in the swing of things.  When I play around with them before an event, I bring along the extras to give out quickly if the demand for them gets too heavy, so my Guests are quickly satisfied.  And my Client gets more Balloons than can actually be made in the time s/he is paying for.  Win-Win-Win.  I like that.

to hire this Artist:

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