Saturday, March 8, 2014

Kids are Fantastic ~

These kids are fantastic.  Once again I see them loving/admiring one another.  "I want to look just like my friend.  Can you paint me the same as my friend?"  And whether they're the ones who choose the same face-paintings or not, you can see how much they enjoy each other's chosen images.  So open.  So happy to be with each other.  Enjoying the Party Activity together.

I remember being a child.  I didn't know it was love back then.  Love that makes us want to be like someone we admire (love).  It's so beautiful to see that innocent free-flowing love in these people.  Makes me feel like letting down the walls I had developed from my unfortunate years of disappointments.  Shows me what happy love is.  Shows me how to openly do it.

I feel so fortunate to be part of people's joyful times.
I feel so happy that I can help them express their love for each other.
I'm a Love Facilitator :-)

to hire this artist:

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