Monday, October 8, 2018

Face Painting Toddlers

The goal of my Facepainting is that people should Enjoy.  So I've been working on Simplifying my Designs for Toddlers Parties.

Here's one that I created at today's Event.  Turns out that I actually like the Simple Designs just as much as my Deluxe Designs.  They are not only 'easy on the Toddlers' ~ leaving me more time to ooh and aaah and help the Little Ones feel so special ~ They actually look Great!  Simple looks Clean.

to hire Facepainter Alison Gelbman for Your Party ~ Toddlers ~ Children ~ Teens ~ Adults.....
phone 516-579-4706

Facepainting, Facepainting Nassau County, Facepaointing Suffolk County, Facepainting NYC, Facepainting New York, Toddlers, Party Entertainment for Toddlers, Face Painting

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