Monday, September 2, 2019

Behind the Scenes

It is Major Facepainting Season again for sure.  So I refreshed my whole kit.  And while I was it it.....

One of the things that I really love about Face Painting is the doodling quality of it.  Once you know basically what the design will be, you can doodle. 

I usually use Black Outlines, so I wanted to check out White Outlines.  They're fine too. 

Then I wanted to see what would happen if I Added Black Outlines in addition to the White Outlines.  I did Not like that at all. 

It's good that I try stuff out at home first.  Hmmm..... what if I make the hearts a little Bigger.....

to hire this Face Painter,
or phone 516-579-4706

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