Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Doing Too Much

Playing around with some Superman Facepainting Designs tonight.  Glad I try them out in the Studio Before an Event.  Looking good, but I'm feeling like it's best to pull back and keep them simpler.  For me.  Simpler for me.  But they don't look too simple for my Audience.  They would just look cleaner and more confident. 

In the first one, I was trying out an idea for a brick-like pattern in the background.  Ummmm...... no.  I managed to make this one work, but I would prefer a nice blue 'sky' behind the Superman logo instead: 

Then I did a mask with a Superman face and cape.  Fine.  I like the way the person's skin becomes Superman's skin:

But I wondered if Superman's Face might stand out more if I painted it in white.  It's okay, but I liked it better before I filled it in:

Dreaming.  Looking forward to my next Facepainting Event Party.

To contact this Facepainter,
email optidust@gmail.com
phone 516-579-4706

Facepainter Nassau County, Facepainter for Events, Facepainter, Facepainter Long Island

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