I was FACE PAINTING at a Library Event that was open to the Public. The administration had no way of knowing how very many people would be there. So they paid me for only 2 hours. And I scheduled myself to arrive on time for my 2nd Event of the day.
5 minutes left to the first Event of the day, and there were still people wanting for my FACE PAINTING. I don't like to disappoint anybody, so I'm usually glad to arrange for Overtime with my Client, but this time it was not possible. As I tell people when they hire me, I can't promise time to you that you don't promise to me.
So I handled as many people as possible in the short amount of time that I had left. Having been warmed up by the elaborate designs that intrigued the waiting people, I was able to give them the 'short story' :
to hire Artist Alison G